Local locksmith shop address:
735 E Ohio Ave #135
Escondido CA 92025
We provide 24 hour locksmith service for homes and apartments to everyone in Escondido CA. Which means, that it won't matter what time of the day or night it is when you find out that you have locked or lost keys to the house or apartment you live in.
Because our cheap locksmith techs are available to perform our lockout service for you anytime. And we mean anytime since we are open 24 hours a day, every day, including all holidays.
To make sure we are there for the people of Escondido CA when they need lockout service or any other 24 hour locksmith services needed.
Our team is ready to go to your home or apartment and pick lock for you. Then once they have opened your home lock, the 24 hour locksmith will rekey your door locks. Which will make you a new house key and stop those lost keys from opening any of the door locks ever again.
If the lockout service is need because the keys are just locked inside the house or the apartment. Our cheap locksmith tech will just pick lock and open the door locks for you. And they won't have to rekey your home lock making the process faster for you.
And we can also repair, replace or install door locks anytime too. So you don't have to lose keys to have us work on your home lock.
Another 24 hour locksmith service we provide is deadbolt installation and repair. So anytime of the day or night that is convenient for you one of our cheap locksmith techs can go to your home or apartment and perform an inspection of your deadbolt.
When done, they will let you know if they can go ahead and repair it for you or if they have to do a deadbolt installation to replace it. Since that deadbolt is securing yourself, your loved ones and your possessions you want to make sure that it is always working. So we recommend having your deadbolt inspected by a locksmith service professional at least once a year. This will ensure it is always protecting the way it is intended to.
When you need any type of 24 hour locksmith service for your house or apartment give us a call 760-349-6892 right then and there. So we can have your issue or necessity taken care of for you right away.